Crochet Top
Crochet Top, with a design that makes the work much lighter and more delicate. This piece has a soft result being very comfortable that you will love. Not to mention that it can be made with both short and long sleeves and thus adapt to the season in which it is being made, which is great. A versatile and easy job to do and can be made in different colors. With little material this top is made with simplicity and can be easily matched by beginners in the art of crochet.
It’s worth making this piece to get warm on the hottest days when you need it. With lots of care and attention, you can make this work with your simple stitches that end up creating this beautiful effect and this wonderful design. It can be used with the most varied pieces of skirt, pants or shorts. Thank you for visiting our website.
We always try to bring you the best. Beautiful model to make you even more elegant! This top has a design with this beautiful stitch used, I’m sure you will love and be amazed by the result this wonderful piece has.
See Also:
➽ Crochet Spikilet Gown
➽ Crochet Doily Rug
➽ Crochet Shoulder to Shoulder Dress
Crochet Top
Yarn: 100% yarn
Crochet Hook: SIZE 5mm
The piece is worked in the round from middle of front/back piece and outwards. You first work a circle, then continue so that it becomes a square making the front/back piece. Then the shoulders are worked and finally you work back and forth along bottom of body. The sleeves are worked in the round, top down.
Using crochet hook work pattern according to diagram. Continue working to make a square as follows: Start on the round with an arrow and work a total of 4 times in the round.
Fasten the strand with 1 single crochet around the chain-space marked with a black star
Fasten the strand with 1 single crochet around the chain-space in the corner. Work pattern from the row with an arrow in the diagrams back and forth from the right side.
Work in the same way as for right shoulder, but start from the wrong side and in the corner marked with a black dot. Do not work over the middle 5 repeats of double crochet groups (= 2 double crochets + 3 chain stitches + 2 double crochets) in the middle of this side = neck.
Insert a marker thread at the bottom of the backpiece
Fasten the strand with 1 single crochet around the chain-space in the corner at the bottom of the backpiece. Work pattern from the row with an arrow in the diagrams back and forth from the right side
Work in the same way as for the back piece.
Sew the shoulders together working in each and every stitch along the seam. Insert a marker thread 16-16-18-20-20-22 cm / 6 1/4″-6 1/4″-7-“8″-8″-8 3/4” from the shoulder down the side ( marks the armhole). Sew the side seam from the bottom and up as far as the marker thread in the armhole. Repeat in the other side.
The sleeve is worked in the round from the armhole.
Fasten the strand with 1 single crochet by the marker thread in one of the armholes mid under the sleeve and work as follows:
ROUND 1: Work * 3 chain stitches, skip approx. 2 cm / 3/4”, 1 single crochet *, work from *-* to a total of 15-15-17-19-19-21 times, work 3 chain stitches and finish with 1 slip stitch in the first single crochet on the round = 16-16-18-20-20-22 chain-spaces.
ROUND 2: Work from the round with an arrow: A.3a (shows how the rounds start and finish), A.3c a total of 8-8-9-10-10-11 times on the round.
Repeat the last round in the diagrams until the sleeve measures approx. 33-34-33-32-29-28 cm / 13″-13½”-13″-12½”-11½”-11″.
Cut and fasten the strand. Work the other sleeve in the same way.
Fasten the strand with 1 single crochet on one of the shoulders and work as follows:
ROUND 1: Work * 3 chain stitches, skip 1-1½ cm / 3/8″-½”, 1 single crochet *, work from *-* around the whole neck, but in each corner in the transition between shoulder and neck work 1 double crochet instead of 1 single crochet.
ROUND 2: Work 1 chain stitch (does not replace the first single crochet), * 2 single crochets around
the first/next chain-space, 1 chain stitch *, work from *-* around the whole neck, finish with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch at the beginning of the round, then work slip stitches as far as the first chain stitch.
ROUND 3: Work 1 chain stitch (does not replace the first single crochet), * 1 single crochet around the first/next chain stitch, 3 chain stitches *, work from *-* to end of round, finish with 1 slip stitch in the first chain stitch.
Cut and fasten the strand.
Our Team’s Opinion About This Pattern
Crochet Top, an amazing piece that will help you change your summer look, I’m sure you’re gonna love the result of this piece on your look, and you can use it to go out with your friends or with your family. This is a pick that is aways needed, that’s why it is so famous. This will surely make your customers want one like it, which will help you in sales!!
Want to make this amazing Crochet Top? Then set aside all your material and tools before starting your piece so that you already have everything close at hand, this way it’ll be easy to carry out this project, follow the tutorial carefully, make your piece while following the tutorial and I’ m sure that you will be able to make this amazing work easily.