Crochet Blanket Throw
Crochet Blanket Throw with a beautiful stitch and an incredible mix of colors that have a very delicate and perfect final result to leave a very cozy and stylish environment. With a beautiful color, it is a perfect piece to decorate the environment for having neutral colors and incredibly charming. Comfortable and beautiful it’s very easy to do too. Crochet is very useful for decorative pieces that complete the look of the house with comfort, leaving everything very elegant, like this blanket we brought today.
The blanket suggested here has beautiful colors, but they are just a suggestion, the choice of colors is up to your taste and according to your decor to make the environment very cozy and charming too. A job that needs a little more attention, but has a worthwhile result in the end, you’ll see.
Often, mixing colors can be fun and interesting, making your room feel cheerful and cozy in an amazing way. This blanket has an incredibly beautiful and stylish design. This can be a nice gift for someone who likes it a lot because it is a product that is always looking to buy.
See Also:
➽ Crochet Oval Doily Rug
➽ Thread Crochet Shawl Pattern
➽ Colorful Blanket
Crochet Blanket Throw
Work the blanket the center outwards.
A center square is worked first. A round of squares is worked around the center square.
Then another round of squares is worked
around the previous round, and so on. Each square is worked in Tunisian Crochet.
In Tunisian Crochet each row is worked in
steps. In the first step (forward pass),
loops are picked up and placed on the hook.
In the second step (return pass), the loops
are worked off the hook. The work is never
turned. The right side is always facing you
WithBrgin with first yarn A, ch 7.
Row 1 (right side): Forward pass: Insert hook
in 2nd ch from hook and draw up a loop,
*keeping loops on hook, insert hook in next
ch and draw up a loop; repeat from * across
(7 loops on hook). Return pass: Yarn over and
draw through 1 loop on hook, **yarn over and
draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from *
until only 1 loop remains on hook.
Rows 2–5: Forward pass: Skip first vertical bar
(at beginning edge of previous row, [insert hook
under next vertical bar, yarn over and draw up
a loop] 6 times (7 loops on hook). Return pass:
Work same as Row 1 return pass. Fasten off.
With right side facing, draw up a loop of B in
any corner of the center square.
Corner Square
Row 1 (right side): Ch 6. Forward pass: insert
hook in 2nd ch from hook and draw up a loop, *keeping loops on hook, insert hook in next ch
and draw up a loop; repeat from * across ch (6 loops on hook), insert hook in same corner as joining and draw up a loop. Return pass: *Yarn
over and draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat
from * until only 1 loop remains on hook.
Rows 2–5: Skip first vertical bar (at beginning edge of previous row, [insert hook under next
vertical bar, yarn over and draw up a loop] 5
times (6 loops on hook); insert hook in edge of
previous square and draw up a loop. Return pass: Work same as Row 1 return pass.
Row 6: Slip st in each of next 5 vertical bars, slip st in next corner of previous square—1 loop remains on hook.
Repeat Rows 1–6 three more times to make a
total of 4 squares around the center square.
Fasten off.
With right side facing, draw up a loop of A in
lower outer corner of any square of previous
First Square (Corner Square)
Row 1 (right side): Ch 6. Forward pass: Insert
hook in 2nd ch from hook and draw up a loop,
[keeping loops on hook, insert hook in next ch
and draw up a loop] 5 times (6 loops on hook),
insert hook in same corner as joining and draw up a loop. Return pass: *Yarn over and
draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from *
until only 1 loop remains on hook.
Rows 2–5: Forward pass: Skip first vertical
bar (at beginning edge of previous row, [insert
hook under next vertical bar, yarn over and
draw up a loop] 5 times (6 loops on hook);
insert hook in edge of previous square and
draw up a loop. Return pass: Work same as
Row 1 return pass.
Row 6: Slip st in each of next 5 vertical bars,
slip st in next corner of previous square—1 loop remains on hook.
Second Square (Side Square)
Row 1 (right side): Forward pass: [Keeping
loops on hook, insert hook under next vertical
bar of square in previous round, and draw up
a loop] 5 times (6 loops on hook), insert hook
in corner of square in previous round and
draw up a loop: Return pass: *Yarn over and
draw through 2 loops on hook; repeat from *
until only 1 loop remains on hook.
Rows 2–5: Skip first vertical bar (at beginning
edge of previous row, [insert hook under next
vertical bar, yarn over and draw up a loop] 5
times (6 loops on hook); insert hook in edge of
previous square and draw up a loop. Return
pass: Work same as Row 1 return pass.
Row 6: Slip st in each of next 5 vertical bars,
slip st in next corner of previous square—1
loop remains on hook.
Repeat first and second squares three more
times to make a total of 8 squares all the
way around outer edge of previous round of
squares. Fasten off.
With right side facing, draw up a loop of C in
lower outer corner of any corner square of previous round.
First Square (Corner Square)
Work same as first square of second round.
Second and Third Squares (Side Squares)
Work same as second square of second round.
Repeat first, second, and third squares three
more times to make a total of 12 squares all
the way around outer edge of previous round of squares. Fasten off.
With right side facing, draw up a loop of
A in lower outer corner of any corner square of
previous round.
First Square (Corner Squares)
Work same as first square of second round.
Next Squares (Side Squares)
Work each square same as second square of second round until you reach the next corner
square of previous round. Repeat first and next squares all the way around outer edge of previous round of squares. Fasten off.
Repeat the fourth round of squares 22 more
times, working rounds in the following color
sequence: work next round with
B, next round with A] 4 times.
Weave in ends.
Our Team’s Opinion About This Pattern
Crochet Blanket Throw, if you need to change or improve your decor this blanket can be the perfect piece for you, with its amazing colors i’m sure it’ll amaze you. This amazing balnket is very beautiful and the design that it has very stylish, the colors can be changed if you want to match the decor, this will surely make your customers want one like it, which will help you in sales!!
Want to make this amazing Crochet Blanket Throw? Then set aside all your material and tools before starting your piece so that you already have everything close at hand, this way it’ll be easy to carry out this project, follow the tutorial carefully, make your piece while following the tutorial and I’ m sure that you will be able to make this amazing work easily.