Autumn Aster Blanket

More than a functional element, the wooden headboard is an indispensable item in the decor of any room. With the function of protecting the bed, your highest priority is to bring personality to the bedroom.

After all, the first thing we see when entering this environment is the wall where the bed is! The variety of models is extensive, however, the wooden headboards have been pleasing many architects and lovers of versatile decoration.

For this task, details and decorative possibilities are important before choosing the ideal model for you. In this post you will see more about it and can make a beautiful Autumn Aster Blanket.

Advantages of the wooden headboard
1. Fits all bedding and decorating styles. It is possible to design a headboard according to the proposal and the style of the room owner. There are ready-made models in decoration department stores, but they can also be executed with a cabinetmaker of your choice.

2. Resistant and durable material. If you are looking for a room that lasts for years and does not get easily sick, add the wooden headboard, as it is a noble and high quality material in the construction that will not wear out so quickly.

Free Pattern Available: Autumn Aster Blanket

3. Easy maintenance
Wood is a practical material for daily cleaning: it does not smell, does not stain easily and does not absorb any type of dirt. Therefore, a dust mop and a damp cloth are enough to keep it clean and beautiful at all times! 4.

Hide wires and sockets discreetly. In the same way that the living room panel hides the wires from the TV and the telephone, the wooden headboard is no different!

Generally, the sockets and switches are all built into the headboard itself, and can also receive modern materials for a special composition.

Tailored and with complements. Optimizing space is essential in decorating! You can choose to make a custom headboard, which follows the dimensions of the bedroom, your bed and your needs. Among the ornamentation options: the use of articulated sconces, with nightstands, shelves, niches and others fit very well.

In this case, these complements are fixed on the headboard itself, being an integral part of it. Dare and vent or leave the bedroom discreet and neutral with the wooden headboard.

This versatility is in the variety of patterns in the decoration! You can choose your head model by searching some images on the internet to get inspired.

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