Star of Bethlehem Block
Hello artisans and quilt lovers. This hexagonal shape is easy to use when attaching to a piece of paper in English, handling much better, but you can use the same techniques as EPP to create blocks in a number of different ways.
The Star of Bethlehem block consists of diamond shapes, square, triangle, making it ideal for learning to use English paper pieces in many unique shapes. This block ends as a 12 “square; Add borders to a single block for a good tapestry or ask for more blocks to make a quilt.
Using heavy paper or card stock, make enough copies of the models for all parts of your block, thus having several “copied parts.” Tip: For any EPP block that will be limited or sewn into another block in a quilt, leave an extra 3/8 “of paper along the outer edge of the outer parts as shown for A and;
This will allow you to have ease and help you, this advantage will make it easier to assemble. We are here to help you get the most out of your doubts and give you all the information you need to quickly become a professional quilter.
For the Star of Bethlehem block, we recommend using 4-A, 16-B, 8-C, 8-D, E 8-E. Cut the pieces of paper and drill a hole in the center of each paper template with a punch. The center hole facilitates the subsequent removal of the paper with a punch or the rounded tip of a seam rivet.
This tip will greatly facilitate the process of creating your new project. Remember that the more you use your imagination in choosing colors, the more beautiful and perfect the combination will be. Think about it my friends.
Continuing our tutorial, select the fabric to be used for each piece. For the Star of Bethlehem block, see the picture of the block and the block diagram to help you choose the fabrics (I left a tip above).
Using the pieces of paper as a template, cut the pieces of fabric, leaving at least a 3/8 “clearance to fold the pattern around. Once you have done this, you will see that the design will begin to take shape, and soon you will see it finalized.
For the Bethlehem Star block, the inner parts include all but the triangles A and E. To pave, always remember to use a line color that does not disappear in front of the piece.
I like to use 40wt hand quilting thread in a matching or neutral tone. Thread a needle with a piece of wire and tie a knot at the end.Free Pattern Star of Bethlehem Block
Center the center of the paper pattern on the wrong side of the fabric, so that there is at least a 3/8 “margin around it. Pin through the drilled hole to secure if desired. At sharp angles, you can cut the long stitches of fabric within 3/8 “of the paper.