Woven Star Block Quilt

I love paper work. I like the precise stitches and seams that line up. What I do not like about the sewing paper is to tear off the paper base from the back of the block when it is ready, taking out small pieces of paper, waiting for the seams to stick together. But in all things we find a way. Let’s explain to you how to start your new project without further questions. All information contained in this subject will be to clarify and remove any issues that prevent you from developing a work of art.

Several years ago, I learned to use freezer paper as a basis for dividing paper, and I revolutionized this technique for myself. It is fast, does not require paper removal and the crib can be reused at least a dozen times, saving time and paper. To help you, name your units with the name A and B. Stitching your named units in a row and you’ll have a block.

So you need to make four of each unit to complete the block. There are only three seams in each unit, so this block joins quickly. From that part, your project is already starting to take shape and we can get an idea of ​​how it will look after it is completed. We will also help you develop your imagination to have several ideas for the next project. Let’s go!

The first step in making any type of paper splice is to measure the individual areas within each unit to determine the size of the tissue samples that you will need to cut. I’ll leave some sizes for this block in the pattern, but I want to show how I determined those measurements. For experienced paper punches – feel free to jump forward!

A great tip before you begin is to choose the colors of the fabrics to be sewn. If this is present, you can use the colors you like and create a project for everyone to be amazed. Now, whether for you or for your store, you can use your imagination and create pieces with varied colors.

In this pattern you will learn the step by step that will detail the project with some tips. This tutorial is one of the best to use, is made with lots of information and rich in debris, and made by one of the greatest patchwork experts.

It has many tips on how to position and use fabric overlays, show the best fabric cut, assemble and stitch the details simply and easily. You will finally discover the secrets to creating your perfect Star Block Woven in this pattern, which will surely give you the desire to create many other works.

Our website offers many other patterns for free. Take the opportunity to visit the other pages.


➠ Woven Star Block Quilt – Start your Pattern Now ❤

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