Crochet Pineapple Top V-2

Crochet Pineapple Top V-2, an incredible top with a wonderful stitch. The piece is made in Pineapple stitch which is a stitch that everyone loves. This is a very practical technique and, until now, it has always given good results with amazing visuals. So, if you like working with tops, I highly recommend trying it, because you can make wonderful pieces. With some adaptations, you can also use the technique to do other things.

Helps to compose your look with several pieces like skirts, shorts, jeans, leggings. To be harmonious, combine it with the rest of the look in order to keep the silhouette in evidence without looking bigger, is a tip we give you. The colors to make this piece can be chosen to match your clothes.

Perfect for mid-season when the transition from heat to cold happens, remember this as it can help you. The colors used here are one more option to give a graceful touch to this beautiful crochet work.

See Also:
Crochet Dress
Crochet Pineapple Top
Crochet Gown (Waist Down)

Pineapple Top V-2 Crochet


Yarn: 200 gms Indian Anchor knitting cotton yarn (lighter yarns will give you a better fall.. so light acrylics or knitting cotton)

Crochet Hook: 3 mm crochet hook

Size made : 34″ (M)

Abbreviations used :

lp(s) : Loop(s)
sc : Single crochet
dc : Double crochet
sp : Space
sl-st : Slip stitch
ch : Chain
st(s) : Stitch(es)
hk : Hook
yo : Yarn Over
Let’s Begin

Start with fsc in multiples of 24 for as many patter n repeats as you wish.

Join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 1 : dc in the 1st 4 fsc ;

*ch 3, sk next 2 fsc, sc in the next fsc ;

(ch 5, sk next 2 fsc, sc in the next fsc) ;

rep (to) once ;

ch 3, sk next 2 fsc, dc in the next 4 fsc ;

ch 3, sk next 2 fsc, dc in the next fsc ;

ch 3, dc in the next 4 dc* ;

rep to all around ;

ending with a ch 3, and join with a sl-st to the 1st fsc.

Round 2 : dc in the 1st 4 dc ;

*ch 3, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

ch 3, dc in the next 4 dc ;

ch 5, dc in the next dc ; ch 3, dc in the next 4 dc* ;

rep to all around ;

ending with a ch 3, and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 3 : dc in the 1st 2 dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ;

*(ch 3, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

ch 3, dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ; dc in the next 2 dc) ;

[ch 5, dc in the next dc ; ch 4, dc in the same dc] ;

ch 5, dc in the next 2 dc ,

dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ;

ending with a ch 5,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 4 : dc in the 1st 3 dc ;

*(ch 3, sc in the next sc ; ch 5, dc in the next 3 dc) ;

ch 5, 9 dc in the next ch-4 sp ;

ch 5, dc in the next 3 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 5,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 5 : dc in the 1st dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ;

*ch 1, dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ;

dc in the next dc ; ch 5, dc in the next dc ;

(ch 1, dc in the next dc) ;

rep (to) 7 times ;

ch 5, dc in the next dc ;

dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 5,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 6 : dc 2-tog over in the 1st 2 dc ;

*[dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc] ;

ch 6, dc in the next dc ;

(ch 2, dc in the next dc) ;

rep (to) 7 times ; ch 6, ;

rep [to] 2 times* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 6,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 7 : dc in the 1st 2 dc 2-togs ;

*ch 6, sc in the next ch-2 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-2 sp) ;

rep (to) 6 times ;

ch 6, [dc in the next dc 2-tog] ; rep [to] once* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 6,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 8 : 2 dc in the 1st dc ;

*ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

rep (to) 5 times ;

ch 5, 2 dc in the next dc ;

ch 1, 2 dc in the next dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 1,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 9 : 2 dc in the 1st dc ; dc in the next dc ;

*ch 4, sk next ch-5 sp, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

rep (to) 4 times ;

ch 4, dc in the next dc ; 2 dc in the next dc ;

ch 3, 2 dc in the next dc ; dc in the next dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 10 : 2 dc in the 1st dc ; dc in the next 2 dc ;

*ch 4, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

rep (to) 3 times ;

ch 4, dc in the next 2 dc ; 2 dc in the next dc ;

ch 2, dc in the next ch-3 sp ;

ch 2, 2 dc in the next dc ; dc in the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 11 : dc in the 1st 3 dc ; 2 dc in the next dc ;

*ch 4, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

rep (to) 2 times ;

ch 4, 2 dc in the next dc ; dc in the next 3 dc ;

ch 2, 3 dc in the next dc ;

ch 2, dc in the next 3 dc ; 2 dc in the next dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 2,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 12 : dc in the 1st 5 dc ;

*ch 4, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

rep (to) once ; ch 4, dc in the next 5 dc ;

[ch 2, 2 dc in the next dc ;

ch 3, dc in the next dc ; ch 3, 2 dc in the next dc] ;

ch 2, dc in the next 5 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 2,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc

Round 13 : dc in the 1st 5 dc ;

*ch 4, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

ch 4, dc in the next 5 dc ;

[ch 3, dc in the next dc] ;

rep [to] 4 times ;

ch 3, dc in the next 5 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc

Round 14 : dc in the 1st 5 dc ;

*ch 4, sc in the next ch-5 sp ; ch 4, dc in the next 5 dc ;

[ch 3, dc in the next dc ; ch 3, 2 dc in the next dc ;

ch 3, 3 dc in the next dc ;

ch 3, 2 dc in the next dc ; ch 3, dc in the next dc] ;

ch 3, dc in the next 5 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Double crochet 2-tog : dc 2-tog : [yo, insert hk in st or ch-sp, yo and pull up a lp ; yo and draw through 2 lps] 2 times (3 lps

on hk) ;

{yo, draw through 2 lps on hk} 2 times. One dc 2-tog made.

Round 15 : dc in the 1st 3 dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ;

*ch 3, sc in the next sc ;

ch 3, dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ; dc in the next 3 dc ;

[ch 3, dc in the next dc] ;

rep [to] 2 times ;

(3 dc in the next dc ; dc in the next dc ; 3 dc in the next dc) ;

rep [to] 3 times ;

ch 3, dc in the next 3 dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc * ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 16 : dc in the 1st 2 dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ;

*ch 3, sc in the next sc ;

ch 3, dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ; dc in the next 2 dc ;

[ch 3, dc in the next dc] ;

rep [to] 2 times ;

(3 dc in the next dc ; dc in the next 5 dc ; 3 dc in the next dc) ;

rep [to] 3 times ;

ch 3, dc in the next 2 dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 17 : dc in the 1st dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ;

*ch 1, dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc ; dc in the next dc ;

[ch 3, dc in the next dc] ;

rep [to] 2 times ; dc in the next 11 dc ;

rep [to] 3 times ;

ch 3, dc in the next dc ; dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

So in this round we’re using a dc 6-tog.

So work this just as you would a dc 2-tog or a dc 3-tog, just that we work it over 6 dc.

Round 18 : dc in the 1st 2 dc ; sk next ch-1 sp and dc in the next 2 dc ;

*[ch 4, dc in the next dc] ;

rep [to] 2 times ;

ch 5, dc 6-tog over the next 6 dc ;

ch 5, dc 6-tog over the next 6 dc ;

ch 5, dc in the next dc ;

rep [to] 3 times ;

dc in the next dc ; dc in the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 4,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

Round 19 : dc 2-tog over the 1st 2 dc ;

*[ch 3, 3 dc in the next dc] ;

rep [to] 2 times ;

ch 6, sk next dc 6-tog, 3 sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

ch 6, sk next dc 6-tog, 3 dc in the next dc ;

rep [to] 2 times ;

dc 2-tog over the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 3,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

In the following row, we’ll use our sc 2-tog.

Single crochet 2-together : sc 2-tog :

Insert hk into st, yo and pull up a lp (2 lps on hk) ; insert hk into next sc, yo and pull up a lp (3 lps on hk); yo and draw through all 3 lps. One sc 2-tog complete.

Round 20 : sc 2-tog over the 1st 2 dc ;

  • ch 4, dc in the next 3 dc ;

[ch 3, dc in the next 3 dc] ;

rep [to] once ;

ch 5, dc in the next sc ;

(ch 2, dc in the next sc) ;

rep (to) once ;

ch 5, dc in the next 3 dc ;

rep [to] 2 times ;

ch 4, sc 2-tog over the next 2 dc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 4,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

In the following round, we use our dc 3-tog in two different ways. In one we work over 3 dc, which means that you will work the first part of your dc on the 1st dc, then move on to the 2nd and finally the 3rd, before finishing off the dc 3-tog.

In the other dc 3-tog, it’s all in one dc, which means that you will work all three movements in that same dc.

Round 21 : sc in the 1st sc ;

*ch 6, dc 3-tog over the next 3 dc ;

[ch 6, dc 3-tog over the next 3 dc] ;

rep [to] once ;

(ch 6, dc 3-tog in the next dc) ;

rep (to) 2 times ;

rep [to] 3 times ;

ch 6, sc in the next sc* ;

rep to all around ending with a ch 6,

and join with a sl-st to the 1st dc.

For our last round, let’s work a round of ch-5 spaces all around.

Round 22 : sl-st into the 1st ch-6 sp ; sc in the same ch-6 sp ;

ch 5, sc in the next ch-sp ;

rep to all around ;

ch 2, dc and join with a sl-st to the 1st sc.

You are now in the centre of that last ch-5 sp.

Quick double check : Please check that we have 10 sc between the 2 sc of Round 22. This is crucial for the rest of our pattern, so please stop and check.

And just like that we’re done with the yoke of our top.. now comes the easier lower half of our top.

For the body of the top, I will start renumbering for convenience.

Please note that all instructions below are for the body of the top and not to be confused with those that we’ve just completed for the yoke.

So in this round we will mark off the sleeves and then have just the body to be worked in rounds. Now see the white and yellow markers? They’re marking a ch-5 sp each. So when the instructions read ‘till marker’, I mean that you will join the centre of the two similarly marked ch-sps together, and then continue to work in rounds for the front of the body, till the second marker. Once again for the second marker, you will join the centre of these two marked ch-sps together. Right, let’s get on, shall we..

Round 1 : sc in the 1st ch-sp (where you are right now) ;

ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

rep to till the 1st set of white markers ;

rep to till the 2nd set of yellow markers ;

rep to till the last ch-5 sp ;

ch 2, dc and join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Great work.. we’ve now divided off for the s

leeves and will now work in rounds for the body.

One quick note : If this top is for you, this is where you will slip this on and see that the body fits you. Do not worry about the neck , which will look huge and ungainly. We will get back to that at the end and get that to fit too.

Round 2 : sc in the 1st ch-sp (where you are right now) ;

ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

rep to till the last ch-5 sp ;

ch 2, dc and join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 3 – 4 : Rep Round 2.

Round 5 : (dc 2-tog ; ch 5, dc 2-tog) all in the 1st ch-5 sp ;

*ch 3, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

rep (to) in the next ch-5 sp* ;

rep to all around

and join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 6 : sl-st into the 1st ch-5 sp between dc 2-togs , sc in the same ch-5 sp ;

ch 3, sc in the same ch-5 sp ;

*ch 5, sk both ch-3 sps and sc,

(sc in the next ch-5 sp ; ch 3, sc in the same ch-5 sp)* ;

rep to all around

and join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 7 : sl-st in the 1st ch-3 sp ;

(dc 2-tog ; ch 5, dc 2-tog) all in the same 1st ch-3 sp ;

*ch 3, sc in the next ch-5 sp ;

rep (to) in the next ch-3 sp* ;

rep to all around

and join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

And believe it or not, we’ve just completed our pattern repeat.

Rep Rounds 6 & 7 , ending with Round 7, till your project is of the length needed.

We will end with two simple rows of ch-5 sps (like our first four rounds).

Note : At this point I found that the chest size was getting too large for me (my recipient), so I have changed the spacing, and have made all my ch-sps ch-3 sps, not ch-5 sps for the first few rounds. I then went back to the regular pattern – and I love that this has given a neat shape to the lower part of my top.

Choices and decisions for you.

Next Round : sl-st in the 1st ch-5 sp ; sc in the same ch-5 sp ;

(ch 5, sc in the next ch-5 sp) ;

rep (to) all around ;

ch 2, dc and join to the 1st sc.

You are now in the centre of that last ch-5 sp.

Last Round : Rep the above round once more.
Fasten off and weave in ends.

Optional : You may decide to add an edging of picots all around the bottom edge. In that case, use the 3-ch picot and work it right in the centre of each (or every other) ch-5 sp all around.

Border : We will run this round of border around the neckline.

Now yet again, I offer you two choices. There are two charts – and I’ve used both to reduce the neckline. So more decisions and a chance for creativity yet again

Border Round 1 A : ch 1, sk 1st fsc ; sc in the next 2 fsc ;

(sk next fsc , sc in the next 2 fsc) ;

rep (to) all around

and join with a sl-st to the 1st fsc.

In just skipping a few sts all around, we have ‘tightened’ the neckline.

If this reduction is sufficient, fasten off and weave in ends. If not, work the second border as well.

Border B :

Round 1 : ch 1 (turning chain), dc 3-tog over the 1st 3 fsc ;

ch 1, dc 3-tog over the next 3 fsc ;

rep to all around

and join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 2 : sc in the 1st st and in each st all around.

Join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 3 : ch 1 (turning chain), dc 3-tog over the 1st 3 sts ;

*ch 1, dc 3-tog over the next 3 sts ;

rep to all around

and join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Round 4 : sc in the 1st st and in each st all around.

Join with a sl-st to the 1st st.

Fasten off and weave in ends.

Our Team’s Opinion About This Pattern

Crochet Pineapple Top V-2, wonderful top that will amaze you because of its charm and beauty, as well as the style that comes from the stitch used in this incredible project. This beautiful piece will provide you with incredible looks that will amaze everyone and you can be sure that your customers will want one, believe me you will love this piece.

Want to make this wonderful Crochet Pineapple Top V-2? So it’s simple, separate all your material and your tools before starting your piece, this will facilitate the execution of this project we brought, follow the tutorial carefully, make your piece while following the tutorial and I’m sure you’ll be able to make this beautiful project easily .

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