An Egg-cellent Apron – Crochet Pattern

Hey sweeties, good to see you once again. First time of the year we met here at Crochet Loves and I missed you all. For me it’s therapy to be able to make handicrafts and even more to be able to share all of this with you. I hope you guys feel that too, get inspired and get more motivated to make new patterns, just like me. For the first post of the year, shall we crochet?

I found a very fun pattern to make and very different from what we are used to. Aprons have a place in our daily lives and are indispensable. They serve both to protect our clothes while we cook, wash the dishes, and to show who is in charge of the meal when we are meeting with friends. The Egg-cellent apron is a little different.

As the name implies, it is perfect for collecting eggs from the hen house. If the problem is to catch several at once and let some escape, with this apron you don’t have that problem anymore. And it’s an extremely easy pattern to make. We are talking about a rectangle and some strips. When sewing, we assemble the pockets with the necessary space to place each egg.

Egg-cellent Apron Pattern – Heart Hook Home

What a cool idea, very different from anything we’ve seen. This model is amazing for those who are starting to crochet. We usually start with easier pieces, like rugs. And here it is not much different. With basic stitches, the rectangle could very well be a rug. When we talk about handicrafts, the colors are very much according to the taste of each one. You can do it with darker colors to not get so dirty or with the yarns you have there.

How about a colorful egg-cellent apron? Make each strip one color. When assembling, position the colored strips as you prefer and come back and tell us how it turned out. This idea works for other functions as well. You can make bigger spaces and put whatever you need. I already made one of these aprons for my sister, who is a kindergarten teacher. It was perfect for carrying the little ones’ materials more easily. Come learn with us, come crochet!

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